Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So, for the past few days ive been drawing and sketching or painting nonstop. Its oddly crazy but good. Havent been this productive drawing wise is a long time.

I found a site that listed plane tickets for the possible cali trip for $250. Hopefully they stay there and that low until i get enough to buy them. My mileage check needs to come to me stat. I need t call and see what the status is on it.

Because id like to buy the plane tix now or asap and then figure out the disney pass end of it later bc theyre not going anywhere.

I have hopes this will work out.

Im supposed to meet Larry today. Which shall be fun. Maybe go to his show tomorrow night. But not too solid on that.

There are more reasons now that i really need this cali trip to work. Not only for friends, the disney shows and etc. But if i draw/paint a pic for Hek (HB tattoo artist) and frame it, he said hed trade that for a small tattoo. And klemm told me that hed go with me to disneyland during the day so we could ride rides and such. Im determined to shatter my current dland record of 2 rides haha.

And. Theres been talk of rockin an old school sleepover which sounds hilariously fun! And id like to go to a beach bonfire. Ive never been to one and they sound so awesome. Oh. And swimming! Omg.

Okay. Im going to go for now but try to updizzle this thing much more than i have haha. Word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seriously, can't wait. *crosses fingers*
I swear, I might have to ring in sick on monday or tuesday so we can hang since I'll be out of town that weekend. *pouts*